Some coding knowledge

February 27, 2022

Writing good commit messages

I have been doing community building on telegram for years now and been maintaining Android device communities. And through that I have got a good chance to review Git profiles of other devs and seen changelogs for thousands time. Now these things are helping me write good commit messages. (writing good commit messages is as important as writing good code)

Why we do Git Branching

Git branching is a way to make changes to the existing code without affecting (or crashing mostly) the product that has been made with that code. Lets understand it with a example - while you are reading this part of the blog I made some changes in the main branch code, then the site will change itself while you are reading it. This is why we create a branch and confirm the code changes first and then merge it to the main branch.

Some lesser known Git commands

- git please
- git commend
- git it
- git staaash
- git shorty

Some most used Git commands

- git config
- git init
- git clone
- git status
- git add

Some open source licenses

  • GNU General Public License (GPL) - To protect the GNU software from becoming proprietary.
  • The Apache License - allows you to freely use, modify, and distribute any Apache licensed product.
  • Microsoft Public Licenses (Ms-PL) - You are free to reproduce and distribute original or derivative works of any software licensed under the Ms-PL license.
  • Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) - lets you freely modify and distribute your software’s code in the source or binary format as long as you retain a copy of the copyright notice, list of conditions, and the disclaimer.

What is hacktoberfest and why you should care

Hacktoberfest is a yearly event to encourage people to contribute to open source in October. It’s a celebration of community, learning and giving back.Giving back to open source projects by contributing can be a great way to learn, practice skills.

What are the alternatives of Github

> GitLab
> Bitbucket
> GitBucket
> Sourceforge
> AWS CodeCommit

Profile picture

Written by Debasish Sahoo - A 24 year old who currently learning how to code for building awesome apps and websites. Follow me on Twitter - You can check my git here

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