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Written by Debasish Sahoo - A 24 year old who currently learning how to code for building awesome apps and websites. Follow me on Twitter - You can check my git here

  1. July 06, 2022

    In this piece, I have tried to introduce a process to boost your creativity with practical examples. Check it out with a pre-read hint that it is not what you are thinking.

  2. July 04, 2022

    A summed of version of all my learning, ideas, confusions, views and experiences in coding till now (July 2022). I felt journalizing my journey this way will help more beginners.

  3. March 31, 2022

    Till the date the PPTs I have seen, 90% of them are not what it should look like. There are many elements they missed to put in. In these days a PPT designing is not what our college profs teach us. Click the heading to find out how it should be. (Examples included)

  4. March 14, 2022

    In this blog I have tried to include all the tips and recommendations I think very useful to get started for Finance or Investment Industry. Whatever I have given here is result of my research for more than one year into the industry. Hope this will help you in some manner. Click the heading to read more.

  5. February 27, 2022

    Wrote some coding facts and added some of my understandings also. Ping me on twitter if you want anything to be added here.

  6. February 26, 2022

    A short story about how I got into the coding world and got intrested in learning it from scratch. Click the heading to find out.

  7. February 25, 2022

    Brief what I am currently doing and my future plans. (Wow! I love blogging so much already)

  8. February 24, 2022

    Hey, I am Debasish. Well, friends call me Dev (for a reason 😊). This project is to showcase the product as portfolio to whoever wants to see my work and coding skills. This project is still in Baby Phase and I hope after finishing it everyone will call me Dev (not just my friends 🙃). Fingers crossed. Lots of codes incoming.

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